HEADACHE is the symptom of pain in the region of face, head, or neck. headache normally occurs due to tension, migraine , or cluster headache, this is an indication of dipression. BUT NOT TO WORRY Headache can also be caused due to the seasonal change or the metabolic activities of the body. It can be cured with some simple precautions and the methods listed below: BUT PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. PRECAUTIONS : * Avoid exposure to sun light for the long duration. *Avoid bathing in rain. *Avoid exposure to cold *Take proper sleep *Eat a balanced diet. CURE: *Takin pain killers *Plenty of water *Sleep of at least 8-10 hours a day *Meditations Headache can occur also due to the plenty of reasons. It is better to consult a doctor than to faith on the online sources. if the pain increases please contact a doctor to your locality. SATYAM